Fans from Outside China Will Not Be Allowed at the Beijing Olympics
On January 17th, a statement was released by the organizer's of the Beijing Olympics affirming that only "selected" spectators will be allowed at the games. Only those residing in China will be sold tickets. The full statement reads:
"On Sep.30 2021,the pandemic prevention and control policy principles for the Beijing 2022 Games were released .One of the principles was that no tickets would be sold to spectators from outside China's mainland. Tickets would be sold exclusively to spectators residing in China's mainland who meet the requirements of COVID-19 countermeasures.
Given the current grave and complicated situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure the safety of all participants and spectators, it was decided that tickets should not be sold anymore but be part of an adapted programme that will invite groups of spectators to be present on site during the Games. The organisers expect that these spectators will strictly abide by the COVID-19 countermeasures before, during and after each event as pre-conditions for the safe and sound delivery of the Games."
source - Beijing 2022. (22 January 17). Beijing 2022 Spectator Policy Finalized. https://www.beijing2022.cn/wog.htm?cmsid=20220117006291